Timber wall insulation drive to build new dwellings to ever more stringent thermal performance requirements, and schemes encouraging the retrofitting of insulation in existing timber frame homes, it is important that the correct method of insulation is used. This article will explore the various options available for insulating timber frame walls, both during construction or retrospectively in existing buildings.

The key to good wall insulation is a complete air gap between the wall and the cladding, which in turn provides an effective barrier against condensation within the cavity. In a timber frame wall system, this can be achieved by either utilising Kooltherm K112 CI boards to slot between standard stud widths or by using TLX Silver multifoil insulation on the front face of each stud.

Insulating Timber Walls: Methods and Materials for Success

As well as a high thermal efficiency, both of these methods will provide an excellent acoustic performance which is particularly relevant in timber frame houses. However, a crucial point is that any remedial work to an existing building, particularly when installing insulation, must be carried out carefully. The introduction of any material, including insulation, which can trap moisture within the wall structure will be damaging to the timbers and other historic fabric of the building.

This is a key reason that any timber frame wall insulation measures carried out retrospectively must be done carefully and should involve as few gaps and penetrations as possible, with care to seal these in place and to use appropriate materials that allow moisture vapour to escape.

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